Buckle up, buttercup! We’re only halfway into the first month of 2020 and we’ve already given up some of those New Year’s Resolutions. Don’t fret, we’re in this together. This month, we’re channeling our inner Marie Kondo and tidying up!

Let’s start with the basics. When it comes to organizing a space, we first have to make sure that we don’t have unnecessary clutter. We know how hard it is to get rid of things. When it’s time to finally get rid of that old broken hairbrush that you’ve already replaced, suddenly you recognize that maybe the dog needs a new hairbrush! We always have a way of finding uses for the things we really won’t ever use. The best way to get over this hump is to ask yourself a couple of questions:
- Have I used this more than once in the past year?
This is a big question. Every year, many families go through their closets and donate any clothes that haven’t been worn in a year. It goes a long way when trying to minimize clutter!
- Does this item spark joy?
You may have noticed that this is what Marie Kondo does to help organize! Her practices are based on if the items in question are meaningful and make you happy. If yes, she assures that it will have a place in your home. The main goal organizing is surrounding yourself only with things that make you happy.

Think back to when you were growing up. What did your mom always ask you to do every morning? Make your bed! I know a lot of you are groaning on the other side of this screen as you read this. But the truth is, doing something at the start of every day to make yourself feel like you’ve accomplished something can set the tone for a productive day. That first little task completed will lead to the next task, and then the next ten.

A satisfying way to make your home feel a little more tidy is to use containers! As easy as it is to leave the liquid soap in its original plastic packaging, taking the extra time to put it in a reusable container helps the room flow without obstruction.

Another way to use containers is your pantry! Airtight containers are easy to find online, and they make your pantry look so good! It helps not only make the space look neater, but helps you be able to find what you need without having to scan packages.

What about closets? Seems like they might even be a basket case… unless you use baskets! Closets can be scary, but organizing them with baskets can make all the difference. Not only are they helpful for keeping tidy, but they look good as well!
Most importantly, try cleaning as you make your mess! We know that sometimes in the morning when you’re running late, time can get the best of you. But in those moments when you have the extra minute to put away what you just tried on, try to do it! It’ll make cleaning up later so much easier, and you’ll end up thanking yourself.
We may have already skipped a few gym days, but we hope we could help make your home tidy and comforting! 2020 is a huge year, and it’s YOUR year! Go into it with joy and a clean room!