We know you’ve been smelling the pumpkin spice for a few weeks now. The entrance of the grocery store is piled high with pumpkins, and the overwhelming urge to wear a sweater in the 90-degree heat is growing stronger. Oh yes, it’s finally fall! In just a couple weeks, children will be lined up at your front door shouting “trick or treat!” Maybe you’ll happily hand out candy to a little boy wearing a scarily realistic Pennywise costume. Or maybe you’ll turn off your porch lights and snuggle up on the couch for a scary movie. No matter what you do, we have some fun ways for you to get your home in the spooky spirit this Halloween season!

Pumpkins are the mascot of fall. There are so many decorative pumpkins out there that it’s hard to choose which ones to get (or more realistically, which ones not to get). Why not get all of them? Go for a mix and match style to bring the room together. Or better yet, make your own! Get the whole family together for a fun night of pumpkin carving. Got little ones who you don’t necessarily trust with a knife yet? Paint them instead! Not only will it brighten your porch, but it’ll brighten your smiles.

Spider Webs
This is probably one of the easiest things you can do to spook up your home. Spider webs are easy to put up and take down, and even the cheapest ones look pretty realistic. Or you could go crazy and get some that light up!

♫ Spooky, scary skeletons, and shivers down your spine… ♫ Of course, skeletons are also a common symbol of Halloween. You can incorporate them indoors and outdoors and do some pretty creative things with them. With the right resources, you can get quite a laugh out of them! Put them in rooms where they don’t belong (ex. In the bathtub with a shower cap). Or put them outside in an interesting situation (ex. Trying to climb in your second-story window).

Want to get your furry family members in on the fun? Dress them up! Put your dachshund in that hot dog costume you bought for him all those years ago. Make the cat wear a hat! Pets are a super fun way to make any spooky celebration more festive.
We here at Millennium Designs want to see your pets at their best. Send us your pets in their cutest, funniest, or spookiest costumes they have! If we like your furry (or not so furry) friend the most, we’ll feature them on our Facebook and Instagram on Halloween. Send in a Facebook message or an Instagram DM! Good luck and Happy Halloween!